lemon drop

December 2016

Brewer’s Blog: Brett Beer!


Today I'm brewing my favorite type of beer to brew... Beers fermented with Brettanomyces! This is our first take on a Brett beer at Tombstone and it features a Brett blend that I developed with the help of a small yeast lab. This particular beer is being fermented with Brettanomyces only. No bacteria and no [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Brett Beer!2016-12-30T12:47:36-07:00

November 2016

Brewer’s Blog: Lemondrop Helles


Until the time that I went to Germany for school, I didn't have much of an affection for Helles or Pilseners. I had a thought that German brewers were stuck in the past and that the Helles and Pils styles should have evolved to keep up with other modern styles. In a way, the German [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Lemondrop Helles2022-09-26T21:18:17-07:00
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