
November 2021

Brewer’s Blog: Der Amerikanische Bierbrauer


In the past year, we released two beers inspired by historical pilsners: Dreher's Original Bohemian Lager, which was inspired by the original lager from Anton Dreher's Michelob brewery, and Beer for Connoisseurs, which was inspired by the American version of Michelob. These historical recreations are easily my favorite beers to brew since they help me [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Der Amerikanische Bierbrauer2022-09-26T21:18:16-07:00

February 2017

Brewer’s Blog: Upcoming Beers for March Include Kveik, Pils, Gose, Dry-Hopped Sour, and More


After a crazy month in February packed with events, bottle releases, and our taproom grand opening, I'm excited to get back to just focusing on brewing in March. In the coming month, we've got the beers that I've been most excited about brewing ever since we started brewing back in October. While we've had a [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Upcoming Beers for March Include Kveik, Pils, Gose, Dry-Hopped Sour, and More2022-09-26T21:18:17-07:00

November 2016

Brewer’s Blog: Lemondrop Helles


Until the time that I went to Germany for school, I didn't have much of an affection for Helles or Pilseners. I had a thought that German brewers were stuck in the past and that the Helles and Pils styles should have evolved to keep up with other modern styles. In a way, the German [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Lemondrop Helles2022-09-26T21:18:17-07:00
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