
November 2021

Brewer’s Blog: Der Amerikanische Bierbrauer


In the past year, we released two beers inspired by historical pilsners: Dreher's Original Bohemian Lager, which was inspired by the original lager from Anton Dreher's Michelob brewery, and Beer for Connoisseurs, which was inspired by the American version of Michelob. These historical recreations are easily my favorite beers to brew since they help me [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Der Amerikanische Bierbrauer2022-09-26T21:18:16-07:00

October 2021

Brewer’s Blog: Bioacidification


Over the course of the last year, Tombstone lagers have evolved just a little bit with each batch. We started with eliminating oxygen from the hot side of our brewing process to help retain some of the subtle malt flavors and produce paler, brighter beers. We began fermenting extra cold to achieve 100% natural carbonation. [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Bioacidification2022-09-26T21:18:16-07:00
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