
November 2016

Brewer’s Blog: Strong Scotch Ale


As I get caught up on my blog posts, I'm going to try to refrain from saying "I'm super excited about this one!" in reference to every beer we've brewed... Except for this one, because I'm super excited about this one. I've always loved barrel aging beers and the barrels we got for this are [...]

Brewer’s Blog: Strong Scotch Ale2022-09-26T21:18:17-07:00

September 2016



The truck that was supposed to arrive at 10am and the one that was supposed to arrive at noon were both sitting at the brewery when Bob, the general contractor, went to the brewery around 7am. Considering that it was dusk by the time we ended up calling it a day, an earlier-than-expected morning was [...]

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