Brewer’s Blog: “All the Hops” Series
For the last couple of months, we've been brewing a lot of single hop IPA's. This has been a way of showing off the quality of our selected hop contracts. Anyone that's been following us [...]
Brewer’s Blog: Reiterated Mash Imperial Stout
Yesterday, we canned the biggest beer (15.5% ABV) I've brewed in almost 10 years and with all of our social media posts, I've been getting a bunch of questions about it. I realized today that [...]
Second Anniversary Beers!
We turn two years old tomorrow! To celebrate, we're engaging in a bit of self-indulgence. We love hazy IPAs as much as anyone, but we're also in many instances even more excited about some of [...]
Fresh Hop Beers Are Coming This Sunday!
This Sunday, we'll be canning two of the most unique, exciting, and unexpected beers we've ever made. Weedy already wrote about them here, but that was before we sorted out how we were going to [...]
Brewer’s Blog: Wet Hops, Fresh Hops, And Turning Disappointment Into Excitement
Normally these blog posts result from hours of thought about something that I want to share with the world and they serve as a way for me to get something off of my mind. Today [...]
Brewer’s Blog: Lagers for Today’s Craft Beer Enthusiasts
It seems like for the last three or four years, during almost every discussion panel, podcast, interview, etc. I've participated in, the question "What is the next trend in craft beers?" has been asked. So [...]