We Named Some Beers!
We've mostly just called beers what they are until now. We brew an IPA and we call it IPA. We brew an imperial stout and we call it imperial stout. Naming doesn't come naturally to [...]
Brewer’s Blog: Continuing to Roll Out New Beers
It seems like every time Matt and I get the opportunity to get out of the brewery, hang out with other brewers, and stay up late drinking beers, we have the best brainstorming sessions about [...]
Our New Extreme Hoppy And Sour Beers
We decided to take a different and far more extreme approach to the new beers we have going out to accounts next week. We're taking things to a whole new level. The first beer we've [...]
Two Huge Steps Toward Unfettered Barrel Insanity
Our Barrel Society got exactly the sort of response we'd hoped it would, and the way we did it ($200, $325, or $400 for 12, 24, or 30 killer barrel beers over the course of the [...]
Brewer’s Blog: Barrel Society Update
First of all, I want to give a big thank you to everyone that has signed up so far! We're off to a really good start and with the interest we've had, we're starting to [...]
Norwegian Farmhouse IPA!
Of all the beers we've brewed, our newest release is by far the most unusual. Behold, Tombstone Brewing Company's Norwegian Farmhouse IPA: It's made with a fascinating yeast known as kveik, which Weedy discussed here. The specific strain we're [...]