
December 2016

The End of Construction


It's been hard to get excited about the end of construction. Building the brewery portion of the business was awesome because the end result was beer. Now that we have the beer (we've produced over a hundred barrels already, in fact), the rest sort of pales in comparison. Sure, the most exciting part about everything [...]

The End of Construction2022-09-26T21:18:17-07:00

September 2016

Preparation for Equipment Delivery Day


Things have been moving at a crazy pace. There's been all sorts of plumbing and electrical progress: We even built a giant door for our cooler: And then installed said door: Here it is with a water bottle to show scale: Did I mention it was enormous? We laid slab and placed our boiler, chiller, [...]

Preparation for Equipment Delivery Day2022-09-26T21:18:19-07:00

Behold Our Ridiculous Floor


It's seemed like the floor has been the cause all of our biggest problems so far. First it was the drains that set us back. More recently, it's been the epoxy grout for the quarry tile we're using. The wait has been excruciating, especially knowing that our brewing system is sitting on trucks somewhere in Canada. [...]

Behold Our Ridiculous Floor2022-09-26T21:18:19-07:00

July 2016



With demolition and plans done and permission from the city to start some work, it's time for the wash-down walls in the brewing area to go up and for the walk in to get a complete rebuild. Here's the newer, taller cooler door: And the start of the walls: More walls: Another view: This little [...]

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